Tap into Facebook’s 600 million plus users now with the hottest Facebook traffic plugin. Facebook Traffc Pop is a new breed of ‘popups’ that will allow you to have your users like your pages, instead of trying to get them to click ads. More likes = more exposure = more traffic = more money!
- Optional close and advanced close features like clicking outside of the popup and using the escape key.
- Delay timer to wait a certain amount of time before the popup shows.
- LOCKS out ALL page functionality behind the popup!
- Popup stays fixed in middle of screen as user scrolls!
- Share Button – You can now use a customized Facebook Share button to unlock traffic pop!
- Cookies remember users who already ‘Liked’ the page
- Specify any URL or use the current page address automatically. – Use a URL of your choice, or enter a Facebook Page URL to have people becomes fans of your Facebook Page.
- Works on all sites and big and small
- Fully customizable CSS.
- Viral, Facebook styled pop-up is proven to induce more ‘Like’ clicks!
- Make Facebook your slave with one line of code!
- jQuery style plugin with full documentation!
- Can disable timer completely requiring user to like or close (if enabled)
- Set background shadow opacity via options
Download Facebook Traffic Pop V3.3.2: https://www.visualupload.com/u/cGk